Tantra - Liberation in the world by Prabhuji (Paperback - English)
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Return policy: Eligible for 14 Days Return and Refund with reciept, unused, and in original packaging.
tantra, liberation in the world Takes US Back to Medieval India, Full of Spiritality, Magic, Esotericism, Alchemy, and Devotion.It guides us Through the Stages of the Tantric Revelation, Which Shook The Establish Religious Order Like A Powerful Earthquake and Left ITS Mark On Almost Every Spiritual Tradition in The World.class = section>
prabhuji is a writer, painter, an avadhūta , the creator of retroprogressive yoga,and to perform Spiritual Master.When He was Eight Years Old, I had mystical experience that motivated His Search for the truth, or the ultimate reality.This Transformed His Life into an authentic inner and outer pilgrimage.You have dedicated more than Fifty Years to the Exploration and Practice of Different Religions, Philosophies, Paths of Liberation, and Spiritual Disciplines.You have absorbed The Teachings of Great Yogis, Pastors, Rabbis, Monks, Gurus, Philosophers, Sages, and Saints Whom He Personally Visited During HIS YEARS OF SEARCHING.For Prabhuji, Awakening at The Level of Conscious, or The Transcendence of the Egoic Phenomenon, is the Next Step in Humanity’s Evolution.Prabhuji you have chosen to retire from society and lead the life of a hermit.He spends His days in solitude, praying, Studying, Writing, Painting, and Meditating in silence and contemplation. div> div> div>
Prabhuji's Gifts
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